# Hacking at OHW23 ## How will the projects be conducted? We encourage project ideas from participants! Feel free to discuss existing or new project ideas **#ohw23_project** Slack channel prior to the event. Once ideas begin to gel and collaborative groups begin to form, the group can start getting into the weeds using a [Google Jamboard](https://jamboard.google.com/d/1lOgVwnqQLvNRPAOEVEGnWXm8FSTuPYQWbteptKrslTM/viewer?f=0). Later the group needs to create and present a visual [elevator speech](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elevator_pitch) using one [Google Slide](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eQKSdFHNGMDqGJMY4d-yGnNm4UrUj5kIS2mLQGPMZC8/edit#slide=id.p), create a project Slack channel that starts with `ohw23_proj_` (say, `ohw23_proj_upwelling`), and create a Github repository (follow [these instructions](https://oceanhackweek.org/resources/prep/git.html#create-a-project-repository)). We've scheduled part of Day 1 and the early part of Day 2 for project ideation. After that, time not allocated to shared tutorials and discussions may be devoted to working on the projects - hacking! Please look over the information below for guidance about projects, how to get started and the motivations for working on projects. ## Project overview ```{include} ../../resources/projects.md :start-after: "# Project Overview" ```